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Musnad Imam al-Shafi' (رحمه الله)

Mon, 14 Sept


Cordoaba Academy Online

Majlis Qira'a wa Sama'a ✨Imam al-Shafi's✨ Musnad 💫 مسند لإمام الشافعي 💫

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Musnad Imam al-Shafi' (رحمه الله)
Musnad Imam al-Shafi' (رحمه الله)

Time & Location

14 Sept 2020, 13:00 GMT+3

Cordoaba Academy Online

About The Event

Musnad of Imam al-Shafi' is organised under Fiqh headings and was compiled by the renowned Muhaddith Mohammed ibn Yaqub al-Assum based on the narrations of his teacher Imam Rabi b. Sulaiman al-Muradi, senior student of Imam al-Shafi' narrating from him.

📗 Full Online Recital of Text

Under the Supervision of the following Scholars:


Allama al-Nahwi Abdul Majid al-Hinnawi (90+ years old Shafi Scholar from the last 2 remaining students of the leading Syrian Hanafi Mufti of his time, Shaykh Abul-Khayr al-Maydani)

Great Britain

Shaykh al-Musnid Mohammed Daniel al-Muhajir al-Dimashqi (Renowned authority on contemporary scholars & Specialist in Hadith with Ijazah from 500+ Scholars worldwide)


📚8-Day Program starting on Mon 14 - Thu 24 Sep 2020 (1 Hour Daily)

⏱New York  : 6:00 a.m. | ⏰London : 11:00 a.m. | 🕰️ Makkah : 1:00 p.m | ⏲️Sydney : 8:00 p.m.

💵 Contribution: $44 US | £33 UK


✅ Join the dedicated Whatsapp group for more info:


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📜 This program is for scholars and advanced students only to revise Hadith and preserve sanad.

 It will be in Arabic only. Ijazah of riwayah with sanad will be granted to those who attend regularly.

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